Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Encyclopedia of Business Cliches

It's about clarity

I remember learning new words and phrases by the barrelful in business school. As a business-book writer, I'm exposed to them all the time. Many of them are actually quite useful, because they give you precise words to describe things that would be difficult to communicate otherwise. For example, telling someone that a particular hedge fund is "highly leveraged" is a lot easier than saying, "They've borrowed a lot of money in order to speculate and multiply their positive returns using other people's money."

On the other hand, the vast majority of buzzwords exist for one reason: to hide. By obfuscating, lying, confusing or just plain avoiding the issue, business people can avoid communicating. Do you have the guts to stop using cliches?

Here's my top ten. Add your own...

"Thinking outside of the box"

62 points

"win-win situation"

58 points

Giving 110%

40 points

Best Practices

36 points


35 points

Paradigm Shift

34 points

"At the end of the day,..."

30 points

Low-hanging fruit

30 points

Going forward

28 points

Push the envelope

26 points

Web 2.0

26 points

The 80%-20% rule

23 points

"Value-added proposition"

22 points


22 points

"Maximize customer satisfaction"

20 points

Take it to the Next Level

19 points

core competency

18 points

Let's take this off-line

18 points

"A leading provider of..."

17 points

Drop the ball

17 points

"Spending more time with my family"

16 points

Best of Breed

16 points

"Bring our 'A' game . . . "

15 points

seamless integration

14 points


14 points

at the end of the day....

14 points

"Maximize leverage"

13 points


13 points

Brings a lot of value to the table

13 points


13 points

Let's hit the ground running.

13 points


13 points


12 points

It is what it is

12 points

touch base

12 points

Drinking Kool-Aid

12 points

Change Agent

11 points

Multi task

11 points

In Today's Highly Competitive Marketplace ...

11 points

The bottom line

10 points

Manage expectations

10 points


10 points


10 points


9 points


9 points


9 points

let's be proactive here people

9 points

ballpark figure

9 points

800 pound gorilla

9 points


7 points

Improve ROI

7 points

Next Generation

7 points

The iPod of ___insert industry___

7 points

Six Sigma

7 points

circle back

7 points


7 points


7 points

It is what it is

7 points

Putting lipsitick on a pig

7 points


6 points

Going from good to great

6 points


6 points


6 points

Has legs and can go really far...

6 points

I don't have the bandwidth

6 points

"Let's get granular"

5 points


5 points

"Today, more than ever..."

5 points

Put a stake in the Ground

5 points

Focused on ... (i.e. results)

5 points

The customer is always right

5 points

"Architect" used as a verb

5 points

step up to the plate

5 points

Faster, Cheaper, Better

5 points

Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater

5 points

Now More Than Ever

5 points

Too many chiefs and not enough Indians

5 points


4 points

Industry Standard

4 points

Gotta raise the bar

4 points


4 points


4 points

integrated approach

4 points

Do no evil

4 points

game changer

4 points

Perfect storm

4 points

The Elephant in the room (or the corner)

4 points

Work Life Balance

4 points


4 points


4 points

"A Plus for all Stakeholders"

3 points

"In the ... space"

3 points


3 points


3 points

Industry Leader

3 points

From a _____ standpoint

3 points

"New and Improved"

3 points

Thought Leader

3 points

Team player

3 points

Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes

3 points

Moving up the value chain

3 points

"Boots on the ground"

3 points

Polishing a Turd

3 points

the scenery only changes for the lead dog

3 points

________ on steroids

3 points


3 points

Cast a wider net

3 points

Rubber hits the road

3 points

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